we might

Mary DeNardo
we might
walk down market street at dusk old faces some silence lights of candles in Dixie cups for the girls at the party-- lets try-- not here in the valley dried grasses the color of wheat or ponies in a circle --- they watch -- her lipstick falling off is warmer in these grasses some sky she reties her hair in its fall lets the bracelets clink in twos -- he would -- surround her or drag him on hair pins in hot nights the chain of his leg the clank of the night birds -- they see-- the pink circles for arm or shoulder or shoe a pick up truck a cream colored stocking --- ok--- driver says okay to start the truck the door of the bathroom or five of them hover just the glints of them their earrings or boots --- she won’t --- favors dawn -- he says -- I thought she was she -- he says ---- I thought he was he --- we might --- roll through the barber shop the ladies say remember the pond it happened there too -- let's try --- a vigil a bicycle a doorknob a bird nest ---- I might --- try memory or remember or sunlight in Texas California a black man a he/she a hilltop a chain link a courthouse more sunlight some flip flops a Dixie cup --- I'd like--- the mother the sister the brothers the neighbors the raven the mayor the driver the saucer --- they say ---- into the blue of afternoon